The Vedic Age: 1500-500 BC

The beginning of the Vedic Age is marked by the Aryan Migration and the downfall of the Harrapan civilization. (However, the resulting Vedic culture was a mix of Aryan and Harrapan cultures.) Much of our modern information about the Vedic Age comes from the Vedas themselves. The Vedic Age is noted for it's hedonistic lifestyle. The rejection of the hedonism led to religions such as Buddhism and Jainism.

Hinduism, on the other hand, was in many ways a continuation of Vedic culture. (For example, it continues to use the Vedas as the primary religious text.)

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The images at left are representative of Hinduism. 
Compiled by Tess Rinearson, images are courtesy of:
Rama and co:
Krishna celebrating Holi: